keep FFF going if you all contribute.
We cant do it without you!
Donate here

Dear friends,
I started Finding Female Friends>50 on in 2016 out of my own challenges finding friends and staying vital in a world that sepa-rates and discounts us.
My mission is to provide a place for women our age to connect and to share their energy, curiosity, joy, concerns, expertise, and passions with one another in an inclusive and supportive environment.
We are an all volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. There are no membership fees, event fees, or subscriptions. Our members keep us going by making a yearly donation of $10 or more. Many 100’s of women have benefited from FFF>50, gaining new friends and newly revived lives. When you contribute, you are co- creating the kind of organization we all want to see, with engaged members, and a wealth of events presented on an intuitive and efficient platform.
If you haven’t made your contribution for this calendar year, now’s the time. Support us here
🖤🤍 Dale Pollekoff,
fff>50 Founder and Friend-in-Chief
Dear friends,
I started Finding Female Friends >50 on in 2016 out of my own challenges finding friends and staying vital in a world that separates and discounts us.
My mission is to provide a place for women our age to connect and to share their energy, curiosity, joy, concerns, expertise, and passions with one another in an inclusive and supportive environment.
We are an all volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. There are no membership fees, event fees, or subscriptions. Our members keep us going by making a yearly donation of $10 or more. Many 100’s of women have benefited from FFF>50, gaining new friends and newly revived lives. When you contribute, you are co- creating the kind of organization we all want to see, with engaged members, and a wealth of events presented on an intuitive and efficient platform.
If you haven’t made your contribution for this calendar year, now’s the time. Support us here .
-Dale Pollekoff, fff>50 founder and Friend-in-Chief